Israel 9-Day Study Tour
Dec 26, 2023 - Jan 6, 2024

Israel has been called the fifth Gospel because God revealed Himself to mankind by coming to earth in one particular place—the land we call Israel. The events of the Incarnation have flowed through and impacted history for the last 2000+ years, and the places where God was humanly revealed remain available for us to visit today.

Trip Details

At each location, a licensed guide will share the Biblical and historical setting of the site. Dr. Dann Spader will teach us from the Word about the life of Christ and what we can learn about Jesus’ model and methods of disciple making. Matt Reagan will cast vision for how Jesus changes everything.


  • $3,250 + Airfare
  • $500 non-refundable deposit due at registration (once application is accepted).
  • Payment, deadlines, details, etc. will be sent after registration.


Matt Reagan

Matt Reagan is an Associate Pastor at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY. He is a visionary leader with a passion to see an entire generation awakened to the glory of God, and spends his energies creating a movement of disciple makers both locally and around the world.

Matt has been to Israel several times, and this trip is burned into his heart. He can’t wait to share it.

Dr. Dann Spader

Dr. Dann Spader is the Founder of Sonlife Ministries where he served as Executive Director for 25 years.

Dann is also a key consultant at Southeast Christian Church, and is engaged with us as a church as we connect people to Jesus and one another by loving where we are.

Dann has led over 40 trips to Israel, where he specializes in the Life of Christ and how Jesus made His disciples. He brings a passion and knowledge for the Word of God through his years of pastoral ministry. He has also authored several books: Four Chair Discipling, Walking as Jesus Walked, and Discipling as Jesus Discipled. 

Dann is married to Char and they have three daughters and six grandchildren.

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Email Deedree at for more information